Open Source Voice Assistants

Siri, Duo, Alexa, Cortana oder wie sie alle heissen. Diese digitalen Assistenten, die immer einen Kanal zur Hersteller Cloud brauchen und über diesen Kanal auch immer mithören und das natürlich auch beim Hersteller verarbeiten. Warum tut man sich sowas an und stellt sich eine Wanze ins Eigenheim? Man muss schon einen gehörigen Schaden haben sich sowas in sein privates Zuhause zu stellen und auch noch Geld dafür zu bezahlen. Egal. Es gibt für sowas OpenSource Alternativen. Hier will ich einfach mal ein paar aufzählen

Kalliope is a modular always-on voice controlled personal assistant designed for home automation. Kalliope can be installed on multiple linux system, and also on small single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi.

Mycroft is the world’s first open source assistant. Mycroft runs anywhere – on a desktop computer, inside an automobile, or on a Raspberry Pi. This is open source software which can be freely remixed, extended, and improved. Mycroft may be used in anything from a science project to an enterprise software application.

This project aims at creating an implementation of Susi, capable to run on Linux Devices in a headless mode. It will enable you to bring Susi AI intelligence to all devices you may think like a Speaker, Car etc.

Jasper is an open source platform for developing always-on, voice-controlled applications. Use your voice to ask for information, update social networks, control your home, and more. Jasper is always on, always listening for commands, and you can speak from meters away. Build it yourself with off-the-shelf hardware, and use our documentation to write your own modules.

Using Voice to Make Technology Disappear. Snips provides Private-By-Design, Decentralized Voice Assistant Technology and Solutions. Snips was built from scratch to protect your privacy. Everything runs directly on-device, meaning no one will ever hear your voice but you. This required over 4 years of research, during which our team pushed the limits of what can be done with AI on tiny devices. (Raspi)
Update 21.11.2019 : Sonos kauft französische Sprachassistenten-Firma Snips

Leon is an open-source personal assistant who can live on your server. He does stuff when you ask him for. You can talk to him and he can talk to you. You can also text him and he can also text you. If you want to, Leon can communicate with you by being offline to protect your privacy.

Mozilla DeepSpeech
Project DeepSpeech is an open source Speech-To-Text engine, using a model trained by machine learning techniques, based on Baidu’s Deep Speech research paper. Project DeepSpeech uses Google’s TensorFlow project to make the implementation easier. Blogbeitrag „Mozilla stellt weltweit größten Sprach-Datensatz kostenlos zur Verfügung“

Almond is the open virtual assistant that you can access through your phone and the web. It helps you configure your devices, accounts, and public services, retrieve data from them, and execute actions on them. It also lets you share your data with your friends and families easily. Oh, by the way, it’s open source and it protects your privacy!

Update 07.07.2021

Vosk is a speech recognition toolkit. Features:
Supports 18 languages and dialects – English, Indian English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Italian, Dutch, Catalan, Arabic, Greek, Farsi, Filipino, Ukrainian. More to come.
Works offline, even on lightweight devices – Raspberry Pi, Android, iOS
Installs with simple pip3 install vosk
Portable per-language models are only 50Mb each, but there are much bigger server models available.
Provides streaming API for the best user experience (unlike popular speech-recognition python packages)
There are bindings for different programming languages, too – java/csharp/javascript etc.
Allows quick reconfiguration of vocabulary for best accuracy.
Supports speaker identification beside simple speech recognition.


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